Thursday 12 December 2013

6 Tips on How to Get Rid of Neck Wrinkles

A woman’s neck is a very treacherous area, which reveals the real age, as well as hands. But even though the wrinkles on the neck are harder to fight than on the face, it does not mean that they cannot be defeated.

1. Posture

Let’s start with the right posture, which determines the beauty and youth of the neck. Train yourself to sleep with an outstretched neck and do not bend your head, causing wrinkles. If you sleep on two pillows, get rid of one of them, to change the angle between the face and neck.

2. Pillow

Do not spare the money to buy silk pillowcases, also providing protection from wrinkles on the neck.

3. Neck Skin Care

The problem in the skin care of this area lies in the fact that we cannot use traditional exfoliating agents here, as the skin on the neck is too thin. But you can produce them yourself by mixing oatmeal with yogurt, gently rubbing the solution in your neck, and then washing it away. Use this means twice a week to promote a more intensive cell exchange.

4. Exercises against Wrinkles

There are plenty of exercises specifically designed to strengthen the tone of the neck, which can be found on the Internet. The so-called facial yoga is very popular, and one of its poses, “giraffe”, allows you to make a wrinkled neck smoother with time. There is also special “exercise equipment”: a small device made ​​of steel and plastic called Facial Flex Ultra is inserted into the mouth. When chewing it, you can activate and load well different areas of the neck.

5. Clothes

The neck has fewer sweat glands than the face, so the skin is often dry and wrinkled. Do not forget to take care of the neck as well as of the face – it concerns the use of moisturizing creams. Wear a jumper or a sweater with a high collar. They not only hide the wrinkles on the neck, but also make us hold the head higher.

6. Botox Injections

Finally, to “freeze” the wrinkles, you can use the good old Botox (“Nefertiti lifting”). During the procedure, you get 40 injections in the neck and lower jaw during just 15 minutes.
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